Conducting research as an undergraduate student

In the lab, 纳撒尼尔Fukutake ’24 discovers much about his subject — and himself



纳撒尼尔 Fukutake 我的专业是 生物学/生物医学科学 and minoring in chemistry at North Central. 通勤学生, he says his favorite campus spot is the Wentz Science Center, 在那里他可以学习, 做家庭作业, 拜访朋友, and take breaks between classes. It’s also where this first-generation college student has worked in a lab conducting research as an undergraduate — an opportunity he says has been “invaluable.”

What has been a pivotal academic experience 在北卡罗来纳大学期间? 

My sophomore year, I took a course on ecology and evolution with Dr. Chandreyee 密特拉. The next year, I got to be a teaching assistant for the course, and I worked in her lab, 维护 crickets and assisting with data collection for ongoing research. That experience sparked my interest in pursuing my own research project. 

你做了什么? 边工作边学习 在实验室里? 

I gained knowledge and insights that were valuable for my research and to my personal and professional growth. I learned the importance of attention to detail, patience and consistency in conducting experiments and data collection. The experience highlighted my passion for research and ability to work diligently and independently when engaged in hands-on scientific exploration. I also enjoyed the challenges and problem-solving opportunities and learned the significance of effective communication and collaboration. Sharing ideas, data and insights with my peers and Dr. 米特拉是必不可少的给我看那个teamwork, 适应性 and effective interpersonal skills are indispensable attributes in a 科学的努力.

What do you hope to do after graduation? 

I hope to pursue a career in healthcare, like nursing, 牙科 或者医学研究. I am interested in working directly with patients or conducting scientific research to improve health outcomes. My goal is to find a rewarding career where I can apply my education in the health sciences.

Learn more about majoring in 生物学/生物医学科学 at 中北书院.